How to consent to legal forms

Follow the steps below to learn how to consent to legal forms.

  1. Navigate to your school's Registration site. Note: Your school will provide this to you.
  2. Enter your email address and password associated with your Registration account.
  3. Click the blue Sign In button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Click Begin Registration to begin registering your child. 
  5.  Select the sport or activity you want to register for.
  6. Select the student (i.e. participant) you want to register.
  7. You will be asked a series of questions about the sport/activity you are registering for. Answer the questions and click next.
  8. When you get to Legal Forms you will see a screen similar to the picture below.

  9. Click on the box with the title of the legal form. Note: There may be more than one legal form for you to consent to. You will need to click each legal form/box and consent to each one. 
  10. A popup box will appear displaying the legal form. Use the scroll bar on the left of the popup box to scroll through the legal form.
  11. Scroll to the bottom of the legal form until you see:

  12. Check the parent/guardian box. If you see a participant box you will need to check that box as well. Note: If you are watching a video you will have to wait for the video to finish before a consent box appears for you to check. 
  13. Click the blue Accept button.
  14. Proceed with the rest of the registration process. 

If you have more questions or need additional help please reach out to your school's athletic office.