How to edit student (participant) information

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Follow the steps below to edit your child/participants information. 

  1. Navigate to your schools' Registration site. Note: Your school will provide this to you.
  2. Enter your email address and password associated with your Registration account.
  3. Click the blue Sign In button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. On the right side of your dashboard you will see a section titled Participations & Registrations. Under this section is your child's name in blue. 
  5. Click your child's name. 
  6. You will see your child's information that you have submitted in the past as well as any sports or activities they are registered for. 
  7. Click the blue Edit Participant to begin editing your child's information. 
  8. Click Save after you have made your edit. 

If you have more questions or need additional help please reach out to your school's athletic office.