Posting News on the Mobile App

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You can use the web or mobile app to post news and events.

To Publish a Post on the App:

1. Tap the blue "+" icon in the top right of the screen. News1

2. Select "News". News2

3. Add Cover Image (optional), Title, Body of Text. There is also the option to add any additional images, keep in mind that Snap! Connect cannot translate text in any images. If there is any important information on the images we suggest typing it into the body of the post as well. Last, there is the option to record a message whether in a commonly used language in the district or in English to address adult literacy concerns.  News3

4. To publish at a later date, select the "Schedule Post" box and then select a future date/time you'd like to publish. You also have the option to edit the expiration date. News4

5. Type or Select the Group you want to publish to and select "Submit" News5News6

6.  Choose to whom you would like this post visible. The standard option is "Post to All", click on the "Post to All" box to edit the visibility. Check the box for your desired visibility and select "Submit". News7News8

7. Once finished editing your news article. Select "Preview" to see how it will look once posted. News9

8. Confirm the post looks correct then tap "Publish". News10