Step 6: Account Manager Handoff & Launch Planning

During your FanX Review, you will be introduced to a designated Account Manager. This person will become your go-to contact throughout the life of your contract with Snap! Mobile! Your Account Manager will cover the following topics with you:


  • Launch Planning (Immediately following your app being submitted to the stores)
    • Review best practices around marketing & advertising your new app
  • Sponsorship & Promotions
    • Review of sponsorship inventory space inside of the app
  • Recurring Check-In's (monthly, quarterly, or as needed)
    • Analytics Recap
  • Twice a Year Customer Business Reviews
  • Contract Renewals & Product Add-Ons


Keep an eye out for an email from your Account Manager to schedule your Launch Planning Meeting!


What we will provide for your Public App Launch:

  • Social media graphics - sizes for all social media platforms
  • QR Download Code
  • Shareable Download Link