Control Panel - How to Post Photos

Guardians and community members love to see pictures of their kids! 

💻 Post Photos Interactive Tutorial | Coaches

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Log into Control Panel
  2. Click the Team tab in the left side navigation menu
  3. Click the Photos tab in the top navigation menu
  4. In the Select A Team box select one of the teams
  5. Click the blue Add New Photo link in the top right corner
  6. Add the title of your photo in the Title box
  7. Add a caption for your photo in the Caption box
  8. Select the type of photo you are uploading from the Photo Type box
  9. Check the Include in Random Photos box if you would like your photo to be posted on the homepage photo gallery
  10. Click the grey Choose File button to select the photo you want to upload
  11. Click the blue Upload button


Still have questions or need help? Please reach out to us directly at or by phone at 276-531-9260 option #3.