Add and Edit Events and Games

Type=One Line, Product=Manage, Style=Full Color


You can easily add and edit existing events with a few clicks. Use the 💻 Add and Edit Events and Games link to view an interactive tutorial. Alternatively, step by step instructions are included below!

Daily Calendar and the events details page is where you will spend the majority of your time in AD Assist

Step by step instructions

Daily Calendar

  1. Log in to AD Assist
  2. Click Events in the left hand navigation
  3. Click Daily Calendar in the top navigation
  4. You can click any of the options under Daily View to change your view
  5. You can utilize the calendar to quickly toggle between days or months
  6. When you need to edit or create a new event, just select the day first. Then click the blue Add Event to Day button to add a new event!
  7. You can also scroll down the page to click on a specific event to start editing that event.


This is your event detail screen. You will see this page after you have selected to edit an event or add a new event.

✷ Anywhere you see an asterisk is required information.

  • Activity
    • When selecting an activity, you will be able to select activities/teams from the current season. If you do not see a team on this season, you will either need to add them (if they are brand new) or use season wizard to roll them over to the new season. 
  • Description

    • The description box is for you to enter extra information like, senior night, invitational etc.

  • Timeframe

    • You can easily change the start and end time by clicking the check box and selecting the time(s).

  • Fees

    • If there is a fee associated with the event enter it here. It will appear on your contract if you are sending digital contracts.

  • Home/Away

    • Select if the game/event is home, away, or TBA. What you select here impacts your facility box.

    • If you select home then the facility box will populate with your home facility location. If you select away then the facility box will populate with the opponents facility name.

    • 💻The facility name appears on your website with the game/event.

  • Comments

    • Any comment you enter under the comment section are internal only and only you are able to view them.

  • Opponent

    • Select your opponent.

    • The opponent code will populate in the opponent code box after you have selected an opponent.

    • Have a new opponent that you forgot to enter in the maintenance section? No problem. Just follow the steps AD Assist prompts you with. Just remember to go back to maintenance and enter the opponents AD's email address.

  • Facility

    • Your facility will populate based on your home/away selection.

    • If you are not playing at that facility then just type in the facility name and hit enter.

  • Confirmed

    • You can choose if the event is pending, confirmed or not confirmed.

    • If you receive a contract back for this event then it will automatically change to confirmed. 

  • ✓ Roll Over
    • ✓ Mark this game/event to be rolled over and AD Assist will roll it over to the following year when you start rolling over your seasons.
    • ✨AD Assist accounts for the calendar the following year and will flip home ↔️ away for games/events.
  • ✓ Static Site
    • If you don't want a game/event to flip home ↔️ away then   ✔️checmkar the  static site box.
  • ✓ Impact Event
    • ✓ If the 'Impact Event' is checked, an alert message will be shown while adding another event for any facility in that particular time period. If this is not checked, an alert message will be shown only for the same facility.  In both cases, the event will be created even if the alert message is shown unless the user makes a change.
  • ✓ Transportation
    • ✓ Checkmark transportation needed if you need to add transportation.
  • ✓ Conference
    • ✓ If you checkmark conference, this is an internal notification for you to use. Let's you know the game/event is a conference.

When you save your game/event new tabs will appear at the bottom of your screen for you to add preparations, workers, officials, additional teams and transportation details. 

  • Preparations
    • Click here to add preparation for your game/event. Remember, these will have had to first be entered in maintenance - preparations.
  • Workers
    • Click here to add workers to this game/event. Remember  these will have had to first be entered in maintenance - workers.
  • Officials
    • Click here to add officials to your game/event. Remember these will have had to first be entered in maintenance - officials.
  • Teams
    • Click here to add more teams to your game/event. Each team you enter will receive a single contract listing all the teams involved in the game/event. 
  • Transportation Details
    • Click here to add transportation details. If you need to add another type of transportation you can do that in maintenance - vehicles.

Events Management

Easily make changes (i.e. delete, cancel, postpone, or change a site) to multiple events at one time with the Events Management tab.

You can also reinstate individual events that have been canceled or postponed. 

  1. Use the filter boxes to populate specific events that you would like to change.
  2. Use the Show tabs to select specific events that are either active, rescheduled, canceled, or postponed.
  3. Check the boxes next to each event(s) you want to change. Note: As you begin selecting events, options for the type of change you want to implement will appear at the bottom of your screen (i.e. Delete, Cancel Event, Postpone, Site Change).
  4. Checkmark events and Select the change you want to make. 
  5. A popup will show on your screen. You have the option to notify the respective AD's associated with each of the events you are making changes to.
    1. Save Changes Without Notification will just save your event changes.
    2. Notify Change will populate an Email Notify Detail popup for you to complete. 

  6. If the event you are selecting is cancelled, you can reinstate the event and a different set of options will show at the bottom of your screen.

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