Add and Edit Levels, Activities, and Teams

Type=One Line, Product=Manage, Style=Full Color


Follow the steps below to add a new level that will populate for you to select from when adding or editing your teams. Scroll down to jump right to adding and editing activities and teams.



  1. Log in to AD Assist.
  2. Navigate to the Maintenance tab in AD Assist.
  3. Click the Levels tab at the top of the screen.
  4. Click Add Level.
  5. Type the level in the empty box.
  6. Click the 🔹blue arrow under the Save column to save. 

Add level AD Assist



Do NOT delete a Team.

There are a few scenarios where you may need to add a new team or edit an existing team. Some examples of editing an existing team include changing the gender, adding an F/S team or JV2 team, or your school offering a new sport/activity. Follow the steps below to add new teams or additional levels. 


If you use Manage Registration, you will need to update your groups and levels in Registration, or your rosters will not post to your website. 

  1. Navigate to the Teams tab in AD Assist.
  2. If you need to edit a team, just click the 🔹blue pencil icon under the edit column. Note: If you edit a team (i.e. Gender, Level, or Name), you will need to make the same changes in Registration if you are also using Manage Registration.
  3. To add a new team or level, click the 🔹blue Add New button.
  4. Fill in the information in the empty boxes across the top row *Each code needs to be unique to each team. 
  5. Recommendations:
    • For your team code, we recommend shortening your team name; for example - in Badminton Girls JV, the code would be GBADJV.
    • Verify that your spelling and capitalization are the same across both platforms (Registration and AD Assist) if characters are off, they will not sync.
    • Adding the facility location for your team so that when you schedule events the facility will populate for your specific teams.
    • Group selection indicates where your team will show up on your school's website. For example, if you put Boys Basketball as an activity, it'll show in the activity dropdown instead of athletics. 
  6. Tap the enter/return key to save.
  7. If you use Registration, you will need to edit your groups to match the changes or additions you just made in AD Assist, so rosters populate your site. Please reference the 💻 video below. 


🔺 Key: Gender








🔺 Key: Level
V Varsity
JV Junior Varsity
JV1 Junior Varsity - Team 1
JV2 Junior Varsity - Team 2
S Sophomore
S1 Sophomore - Team 1
SA Sophomore - Team A
S2 Sophomore - Team 2
SB Sophomore - Team B
F/S Fresh/Soph
F Freshman
FA Freshman - Team A
FB Freshman - Team B
FC Freshman - Team C
MS Middle School
JH Junior High
8TH 8th Grade
7TH 7th Grade
6TH 6th Grade
5TH 5th Grade
4TH 4th Grade
5-6TH 5th & 6th Grade
6-8TH 6th, 7th & and 8th Grade




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