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- Registration Essentials
- Parents & Guardians - Registration
- Admin - AD Assist Resources
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- Admin - Registration Resources
- Coach - Control Panel Resources
- Coach - Registration Resources
- Manage Account Setup
Snap! Raise
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Can I receive funds through direct deposit?
If you'd like to receive your fundraiser payment via direct deposit, you can link your organization's bank account directly through your dashboard under "action items".
After clicking "Connect", you will be prompted to either link your organization's bank account or can manually enter the banking information.
You will need the following information to complete your banking details:
1. Routing number
2. Account number
3. Frequency in which you would like your funds - daily, weekly, or bulk deposit at the end of your fundraiser.
It is required that the bank account added matches the payable organization on file.
If you have additional questions, please contact our support team at support@snapraise.com or by phone at (276) 531-9260