Editing Your Snap Store: Including Team Name, Brands, Colors & More

You can now customize your Snap! Store including team name, activity type, theme colors, and brand & color availability of products.  

To make any of the following changes, first, log in to your Snap! Store dashboard at https://store-dashboard.snap.app/

From there, select the Store you wish to edit by clicking directly on the store name:

Select the 'edit' button on the top menu bar. 

Editing Store Name, Theme Color & Activity Type: To make changes to the store name, theme color of your store site, or activity type, select the edit box next to the 'Store Info' section. It is important to note that changing the activity type & store name does not change the text that will be used on purchases. 

Make any edits and then select 'update' when you are finished. Any changes made may take 24 hours to be reflected. 


Editing Available Brands: 
To remove certain brands from being available in your Store select 'edit' from the brands section. 

From here, you can select the brands you wish to have displayed in your store and confirm by selecting 'update' when you are finished. All major brands that are NOT selected will be removed from your store within 24 hours. Your Snap! Store will still display generic brands to ensure item availability in all categories. 


Editing Product Color Availability: To edit the color availability displayed in your store, select 'edit' from the colors section on the edit screen.

You can then select the colors you wish to have displayed in your store. 

Once you have confirmed your color selections, you must click 'update' for changes to take effect. All changes may take up to 24 hours to be reflected. Black, white, navy & grey product colors are unable to be removed as options at this time to maintain sufficient options in all product categories. 

Please reach out to support@snap.store if you have any questions or need further help with navigating your Store Dashboard Edit Screen.