How to add preparations, workers, officials, teams, and transportation details

Type=One Line, Product=Manage, Style=Full Color


Adding preparations, workers, officials, teams, and transportation details is all done in the event details screen in the same area. Follow the link below to learn how to do it with an interactive walkthrough. Alternatively, step by step instructions are included below!

Step by step instructions

  1. Log in to AD Assist
  2. Search for the event in your event tab and click on it to edit event details, or if you are just creating the event, after you save your event, you can start adding preparations, workers, officials, and transportation details.
  3. After you've created an event for the first time, once you navigate back to it you will see new tabs at the bottom of your screen.


  4. Click the Preparations tab to add preparation for your game/event. Remember, these will have had to first be entered in maintenance - preparations.

  5. Click the Workers tab to add workers to this game/event. Remember, these will have had to first be entered in by maintenance - workers.

  6. Click the Officials tab to add officials to your game/event. Remember, these will have had to first be entered in maintenance - officials.

  7. Click the Teams tab to add more teams to your game/event. Each team you enter will receive a single contract listing all the teams involved in the game/event.

  8. Click the Transportation Details tab to add transportation details. If you need to add another type of transportation, you can do that in maintenance - vehicles.


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