How To Cancel A Game & Send A Notification

In order to cancel a game start by logging into your portal HERE and selecting the drop down for 'sports' & selecting 'games'.

2. Select the game you wish to cancel by clicking on the title of the game.

3. Under game status select 'Canceled' and make sure to select 'Save Game'.

4. You can also send a notification letting fans know about the cancellation. To do this select the paper airplane icon at the top of the game.

5. This will open the notification page where you can add information regarding the cancellation as well as schedule the notification if you would like it to go out at a certain time. 

6. You can then further customize who the notification is sent to by affiliation ie. Fan, Alumni etc. You can also include an image or URL along with the notification although this is not as common.  

7. If you wish to send the notification to users who follow a specific team or sport you can do so by selecting them directly from the audience section. 

Additionally you can send your notification to those only within the Geofence of your arena. Tip: This isn't typically recommended due to some users choosing the option to not allow their Location Settings to be tied to the app at all times and because games are often cancelled prior to game attendance.

8. Once you are done customizing your notification select 'Create Notification' at the bottom of the notification template. 


If you have additional questions please reach out to us at