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Snap! Store
How to increase the profit % on items in your Store
A few notes regarding changing the profit margins in your Store:
- Profit changes can only be made once every seven days to maintain a positive user experience
- The maximum amount a store can increase their profit is 35%. Profit increases will also increase the profit price by the adjusted percentage.
Steps on how to change the profit %:
1. Locate to your Store dashboard. From the Explore box, click Snap! Store
2. Click on the desired Store that you would like to transfer points to a check from
3. Click on the Edit tab
4. Click Edit in the "Profit Margin" box
5. From here, you can adjust the profit %.
6. Once you have selected the desired amount, click Continue
7. Review the presented information. If it looks correct, click Update
8. You will receive the following message if done correctly:
If you have any questions at all, please reach out to our support team at support@snap.store and we will be happy to assist!