How To Link Schedules to FanX

In order to link your published schedules to your teams in FanX you will need to ensure the Data Provider field in the FanX portal is integrated. 

You can do this by logging in to your FanX portal HERE.

1. Navigate to 'Teams' (***You will need to have already created the team in FanX - teams are not automatically synced from other programs)

2. Scroll down to the section titled 'Data Provider'. If there is no Data Provider showing, select the plus button and select the Data Provider you wish to use, for this example 'Snap'
3. Select the search icon.

3. Select the team you want schedules to appear for.

4. Scroll down and select 'save'

5. It can between 5 minutes to 1.5 hours for the schedules to appear in the app following this update. To check current sync times you can click on the question mark icon.

If you are still having issues please contact support at