How to Import Rosters in Control Panel

This feature is intended to remove the manual effort of adding each participant individually to create a roster when not using Registration.

  • User will log in to Control Panel and click on the Teams tab
  • User will have a new option to import dataimage001-Feb-26-2025-07-55-33-4640-PM
  • Once the user selects to import the roster, the following options will show:
    • Download sample file, if needed, to get the import file set up correctly
    • Upload completed file
  • The user needs to first define sport and season by using the filters to map the file to their desired sport/seasonScreenshot 2025-02-26 at 3.28.08 PM
  • Once file is uploaded the user will see all records in the selected sport and season 
  • The file has only two mandatory fields, first name and last name
  • User can still add individual records manually