Level and Gender Acronym Key

Type=One Line, Product=Manage, Style=Full Color


Below are two tables that outline the descriptions of each Acronym you see in Manage regarding Gender or Levels. 

🔺 Key: Gender








🔺 Key: Level
V Varsity
JV Junior Varsity
JV1 Junior Varsity - Team 1
JV2 Junior Varsity - Team 2
S Sophomore
S1 Sophomore - Team 1
SA Sophomore - Team A
S2 Sophomore - Team 2
SB Sophomore - Team B
F/S Fresh/Soph
F Freshman
FA Freshman - Team A
FB Freshman - Team B
FC Freshman - Team C
MS Middle School
JH Junior High
8TH 8th Grade
7TH 7th Grade
6TH 6th Grade
5TH 5th Grade
4TH 4th Grade
5-6TH 5th & 6th Grade
6-8TH 6th, 7th & and 8th Grade


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