Live Stats Issues

Please see the troubleshooting options based on the Stats Provider or issue you are having:

Genius Stats Not Connecting



  1. Confirm Genius is configured for that team
    • Go to team page
    • Scroll down to Genius Team Config section
    • If not filled out, hit the search for the top field and search for your school
    • Then, search for the team ID field
    • Finally, search for the season ID field, then save the team page
  2. Go to game and find the Genius stats field
    • If nothing is there, click the search button and see if a game/ID comes up in the search
    • If yes, copy the ID and save the game, stats should start working again
    • If no, the game is likely not entered in Genius’s system, contact Genius support
    • If the XML option is available as a backup, go to Import History, download the latest XML file, and manually import it to game


XMLs coming in but not connecting/disconnects



  1. Go to import history > find the latest file > download the file
  2. Go to game > manually import stats file to get stats up and running again
  3. Go to team page, and make sure schools' XML IDs are configured on the team page


XML files not showing up in Import History 

  1. The configuration is likely set up incorrectly.
  2. Reference the Live Stat Setup article.