Your logo plays a vital role in both production processes and online representation. Customers will have access to your Snap! Store, where they can explore and purchase merchandise featuring your chosen logo.
To ensure a seamless experience, please review the best practices outlined below!
Accepted File Format & Size Limit
We accept PNG, JPG, and GIF up to 10MB. If you file is in any other format, please contact our Support Team for further assistance.
Things to Avoid
To yield the best print results, avoid uploading images that contain the following:
- Drop shadows or transparent effects
- Photographs
- Gradients
- 3D, glitter, or metallic effects
- Drawings
- Realistic textured effects
- Trademarked imagery
If your logo contains any of these elements, Snap! Store reserves the right to make minor modifications to meet our production requirements.
Color Matching
Our logos are printed using CMYK colors, while screens display colors in RGB—this means the colors you see online can never exactly match the printed product. To yield the closest color match possible, please contact our Support Team to provide the Pantone Matching System (PMS) code(s) of your logo at
If you do not provide a PMS code, our Snap! Store design team will match your logo to the closest available PMS code. However, we are not responsible for any resulting colors that do not meet your exact preferences.
Background Removal
If your submission does not have a transparent background, we will automatically remove any background elements and/or colors that do not affect the integrity of the design to meet production guidelines.
If there are background elements and/or colors you would like to retain in the final design, please include instructions in your submission.
It takes approximately 10 business days from when a logo is requested to be edited, approved, and uploaded to your Snap! Store. Rest assured, we are hard at work and will follow up with you if we need any additional information.
Learn more about Store and Logos here.