Post Results in AD Assist

Scores can now be posted in AD Assist as well as Control Panel.

  1. When accessing a scheduled event via AD Assist you will see a new button next to notify change called RESULTS and HEADLINESScreenshot 2025-01-15 at 4.27.27 PM
  2. Once you click the new button, a new tab will open with Control Panel
  3. This new window will land directly on that event’s score entry and headline page
  4. Once you complete and save in Control Panel, you can go back to the AD Assist tab and refresh
  5. Once there you can see the summary of the score and outcome, located on top of the event details
    image002 (1)
  6. The pencil can then be used to edit the score and outcome.
  • Only users with access across both tools (Control Panel and AD Assist) can fully leverage this feature