Single Sign On Troubleshooting

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Snap! Manage Single Sign-On (SSO) was released on 4/18 and is intended to streamline your experience and make using the platform faster and easier. 

If you were unable to set up your Snap! Manage SSO account or are encountering difficulties, try these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Head to and ensure you're fully logged out of the Snap! Mobile dashboard. If you do not use another Snap! Mobile product you can proceed directly to your Snap! Manage account.
  2. Once you're logged out, proceed to the Snap! Manage RegistrationAD Assist, or Control Panel sites to log in using your work or school email address and password.
  3. Follow the prompt to update your account. This will ensure future use and ease of login through SSO synchronization.

We recommend trying in an incognito browser and/or clearing your cookies.


Need Additional Help with Snap! Manage? For assistance with using the Snap! Manage platform or if you encounter technical issues, please reach out to our support team through the help features within the platform or our designated support channels (via the helpdesk widget, emailing, or by phone at 276-531-9260, ext 3.)