Step 3: Set Up SSO & Compete Trainings

Once your sites are complete, your Onboarding Manager will reach out with information on how to setup SSO & to schedule time for your product-specific trainings.


Step 1: Set Up SSO Login

You will receive invitations via email to setup SSO.

For AD Assist & Control Panel, you will receive 2 separate emails. If you also have Registration, you will receive a 3rd email.

NOTE: You only have to click ONE of the invitation emails to setup your SSO login for ALL products.


Step 2: Schedule Your Guided Trainings

Your Onboarding Manager will reach out to you to book time for guided trainings, based on the products that you purchased.

Training times and details by product include:

AD Assist & Control Panel Combined Training: 1 hr

This training will cover the scheduling portion of your platform as well as the control panel where you can post announcements, scores, resources, and photos to your athletic website. 

Registration: 1 hr

This training will cover registrations, legal forms, physicals, rosters, and parent/student communication.


For Additional Trainings & Resources, please utilize our Admin Resource Center.