Updating Your Name, Email, and/or Phone Number

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Please follow the below steps to update your name, email or phone number on your Snap! account. This information is used and displayed when you interact with Snap! Manage.

  1. Go to accounts.snap.app
  2. Select 'edit' next to the field you wish to update. Enter the correct name/email/phone number.
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  3. Click Update.
  4. Once you have finished making any necessary updates you can navigate to the 'Explore' icon to visit any of your snap apps. 
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Need Additional Help with Snap! Manage? For assistance with using the Snap! Manage platform or if you encounter technical issues, please reach out to our support team through the help features within the platform or our designated support channels (via the helpdesk widget, emailing manage.support@snapraise.com, or by phone at 276-531-9260, ext 3.)