Create Summer Camps

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Creating New Summer Camps

Use the 💻 Summer Camps interactive tutorial link to learn how to set up summer camps in Registration! Alternatively, step by step instructions are included below.

Step by step instructions

  1. Log in to Registration
  2. Click School Info in the left hand navigation, you need to upload your waiver/consent forms.
    1. Click the Legal Forms button below for a refresher on how to upload legal forms.
      View Here: Add and Edit Medical Forms, Legal Forms, and Legal Videos
  3. Click Home in the left hand navigation
  4. Click Registration Set Up in the top navigation
  5. Click the blue Add New Activity button
  6. Add a New Activity Name
    1. The best way to set up summer camps is to have two categories (i.e. set up two activities). 
      Activity 1: Athletic Summer Camps
      Activity 2: Academic Summer Camps
      As we move forward in the training you will learn how to add sports camps (i.e. basketball, football etc.) and academic camps (i.e. art camp, music, theatre, summer school etc.) under either the Athletic Summer Camp category or Academic Summer Camp category. 
  7. Click the blue Add Activity button
  8. Enter the name
  9. For Activity Type, select Camp from the drop down
  10. Select the current season
  11. Configure Required Participant Info. Click here to select specific information you want to collect from parents
  12. Select Required Steps. ✔️ Check the boxes next to the information you would like to collect from parents
  13. ✔️ Select the legal forms you need guardians to consent to.
  14. 🛑 Do NOT enter fee's
  15. We repeat, DO NOT enter fee's at this point of set up
  16. Click the blue text for Add Camp to add camps.Each camp will be created as a new camp. After you have added all your camps they will roll over next year.
    1. Camp Name
      Keep in mind that when naming your camp this is what guardians will see when registering so you will want to make it easy for them to find camps
    2. Description
      Adding a description is optional but it will help the parents know what their child will be doing.  Example: In this camp campers will use different techniques and types of clay to create one-of-a-kind pieces that the campers will paint and take home.
    3. Registrable
      Make sure to mark each camp as registrable. They will not be visible until you open the camps on the main activity page.  If you don't want a camp to show up anymore you can uncheck this box. 
    4. Camp Schedule. Add New Date is optional
      If your camps run weekly we highly recommend adding dates. 
      If you have a long camp that occurs on the same day of the week and time, you can skip this step, but make sure you include the date and time in your description. 
    5. Price
      This is where you will enter your camp fee information. 
    6. Select the dates the camp is open for registration.

    7. Add the Camp Directors name
    8. Enter an introduction for the coach/camp director here. This is optional.
    9. Click create camp when you're done to be brought back to the initial setup page. After you have added all your camps you will finish entering camp information on this page.
  17. Registration Lead-In.
    The registration lead-in is a pop-up message that parents first see as they begin the registration process. 
    ❗️This lead-in is NOT for specific camps. It is a message that applies to all camps. 
  18. Customize Email Footer
    Guardians will receive an automatic email confirmation after they have completed registration. Information that you type in this box will show at the bottom of the confirmation email. 
    ❗️This is NOT camp specific. The information entered here will apply to all camps. 
  19. Customize Terms & Conditions
    Enter your refund information here. This is optional and will be viewable to guardians when they pay. 
  20. Click Save Changes when you're done.
  21. Click Open for Registration when you are ready to open. 

Copy the Previous Year's Summer Camps

Don't worry about creating new summer camps this year. You can easily copy the previous year's summer camp information (i.e. camps, coaches, and schedules) so you can save some time! Just follow the steps below. 

  1. Log in to Registration.
  2. Select the Registration Setup tab from the top navigation menu.
  3. Select the Summer Camp you would like to copy from the list of activities.
  4. In the Assigned Season Year: drop down select 'create a 2024-2025 season.
    Registration Assigned Season Year
  5. You will be prompted to select if you would like to use the previous year's camp as a template. 
  6. Select yes to copy camps, coaches, and schedules from the previous year. ❗️You will need to edit dates and times for the current year.
    Registration Use Season as Template
  7. Click the 🔹blue Save Changes in the bottom right corner. 


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