Easily make changes (i.e. delete, cancel, postpone, or change a site) to multiple events at one time in AD Assist. You can also reinstate events you have canceled.
Note: If you delete any events they can NOT be restored.
Mass Event Changes
- Log in to AD Assist.
- Select the Events tab from the left side navigation menu.
- Select the Event Management tab from the top navigation menu.
- Use the filter boxes to populate specific events that you would like to change.
- Check the boxes next to each event(s) you would to change. Note: As you begin selecting events options for the type of change you want to implement options will appear at the bottom of your screen (i.e. Delete, Cancel Event, Postpone, Site Change).
- Select the change you want to make (i.e. Delete, Cancel Event, Postpone, Site Change).
- A popup will appear giving you the option to notify the respective AD's associated with each of the events.
- If you select Save Changes Without Notification, the events will save.
- If you select Notify Change a popup will appear for you to confirm and send emails to the associated AD's. (i.e. just like when you use the notify change button in individual events).
Reinstate Canceled & Postponed Events
- Log in to AD Assist.
- Select the Events tab from the left side navigation menu.
- Select the Event Management tab from the top navigation menu.
- Next select either the Canceled or Postponed button next to Show:
- Check the box next to each event you want to reinstate.
- Select the blue Reactivate button in the right corner