Editing Preferences

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It's best practice to review and update the Preferences section in AD Assist at least twice a year or when you get a new principal, new AD, or secondary AD. ❗️After you have made changes to this page make sure to click the 🔹blue Update in the bottom right corner so your changes are saved! 

🧭 Preferences can be found in the Maintenance section of AD Assist. 

School Information

Edit and change the name and address of your school. You can also change the state organization, timezone, and principal's name. ❗️The principals' name will appear as a signature on all contracts.

School Information


Event Contracts

Edit and change the athletic director's name and the secondary athletic director's name. You will have the option to select which name appears as a signature on contracts when you create a contract. 

After a main athletics director and secondary athletic director have been added you can assign them as a contract signee from the Athletic Director Contract Signee drop down. You also have the option to select whether all athletic directors (i.e. main and secondary) or just the contract signee are notified of signed contracts. 

Event Contracts



If the reminder boxes are checked AD Assist will send email reminders 24 and 48 hours in advance to opponents, officials, and workers. If the boxes are unchecked then reminders will not be sent. ❗️Email addresses must be entered for opponents, officials, and workers.  Reminders