How to Add Coaches and Admins in Control Panel


Note: If you previously used a universal login for Control Panel, this login will no longer work. With single-sign on for Snap! each user will have their own login and access tied to a specific email. In SSO, you can not edit a users password and this is set by them.

Follow the below steps to add Coaches and Admins

  1. Navigate to the Website tab on the left side navigation panel
  2. Click the Users tab at the top of the screen
  3. Click blue Add New User button found on the right
  4. To add a user:
    • Enter their email.
    • Make sure they are clicked as 'active'.
    • If Contributor/Coach keep the "Requires Approval on Posts" box checked if you would like this user to require approval on posts.
    • Update their role to either Contributor/Coach or Admin.
    • If they are a Contributor/Coach, assign them to the specific activities/levels they will have access to.
  5. Click Save. This will prompt the system to send them an invite to either log in or to create their Single Sign On account and log in. 


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