Rollover Events

Type=One Line, Product=Manage, Style=Full Color


AD Assist will roll over all your events and account for the following year's calendar. Your facility locations will also switch from home to away or away to home.

Click the 💻 Rollover Process link to learn how, or review the instructions below.

Step-by-step instructions

The rollover feature will save you so much time! You can rollover all events to the following year and locations will be flipped from home to away or away to home. You do have the option to prevent the flip from happening.

  1. Login to AD Assist
  2. In the Events tab, click the Set Rollover Status menu tab.
    1. On this page, you will review and select all events/games you would like to roll over. 
  3. Using Filters: Year, Team, Gender, Level. Use the filter boxes to view specific teams, levels, and gender if you prefer. 
  4. Interacting with the Event table:
    1. Rollover Column. This column indicates whether an even is marked for a rollover. 
    2. H/A: The system will switch H ↔️ A during the rollover. If you don't want the system to switch H ↔️ A then click the pencil icon to edit your event and click static site in the events details screen. Static site is located in the bottom right corner under the blue Save button. If you need a reminder on how to do this click the static site hyperlink here to review the helpdesk article on this feature.

    3. Click the top left checkbox in the table to select ALL events to be rolled over. If you don't want ALL your events to be marked as a rollover then click the single check boxes next to each game/event you want to rollover.

  5. At the bottom of the page, click the Mark Rollover to mark all the events you selected for rollover. You can also mark events for 'no rollover' by clicking the Mark No Rollover button.

  6. Click Save when you're done.

Step 2 of Rollover - Creating a Season

  1. In the Seasons tab, click the Season Wizard menu tab.
  2. Enter the year you want to create a new season for. 
    1. must be entered in full season format i.e. 2026-2027.
  3. Then click Next.Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 10.43.56 AM-1
  4. On the next screen, all of your teams will populate.
    1. Click the gray check mark next to Team Description to highlight all teams OR select specific teams to rollover by clicking the check mark next to each team.
      Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 10.51.38 AM
  5. Click Next to copy your selected teams, then click Ok

Step 3 of Rollover - Rolling Over Events

  1. In the Seasons tab, click the Event Wizard menu tab.
  2. Select the year to roll the events over to.
  3. Select Roll Over.
  4. Select Next.Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 10.57.38 AM
  5. The current years teams auto populate to select from.
  6. Select the Teams you would like to rollover, or select the gray check mark next to Team Description to highlight all teams.
  7. Click Next.Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 11.02.42 AM
  8. Follow the instructions on the screen.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Click Ok
    1. Note: You can easily make changes to any event that is rolled over by going to Season Details and making changes from that screen.

      Screenshot 2024-09-16 at 11.05.14 AM


**New Feature Coming Soon**

Correcting Mistakes in Rolling Over Events

If a mistake is made when rolling over and events need to be deleted from the new school year, go to the Events Tab and then Events Management on the top option bar.

  • Enter the Start Date and End Date (From – To) for the affected events.
  • Once filters are used you will see the table with content and a new columns called: CREATED ON

Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 11.12.09 AM-1

  • Once the filtering is completed, you can select the events needed to delete and execute the action.

Screenshot 2024-12-09 at 11.20.52 AM

  • Once you have deleted all events that are incorrect, you can proceed to repeat the rollover correcting any mistakes made on the first attempt.


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