Send Contracts to Officials

Type=One Line, Product=Manage, Style=Full Color

  1. Log in to AD Assist.
  2. Select the Maintenance tab from the left-side navigation menu.
  3. Select the Officials tab in the top navigation menu.
  4. Select the Contracts tab.
  5. Use the From Date and To Date to filter a specific date range you would like to create contracts for.
  6. The GenderSport, and Level boxes are optional for you to filter additional data.
  7. Select the official you would like to create a contract for in the Official box.
  8. Use the blue Generate Contracts button to create a printable and viewable contract.
    1. Scroll down to the bottom of this page to see an example of what contracts look like.
  9. Use the 🔹blue Send Email button to send a copy of the contract to the official.

Official Contracts


Example contract

Example Official Contracts