Add and Edit Transportation Details

Type=One Line, Product=Manage, Style=Full Color


Keeping track of the transportation vehicles you use for each of your events is easy in AD Assist. 

First, add your transportation vehicles to the maintenance section in AD Assist. 

  1. Log in to AD Assist
  2. Select the Maintenance tab from the left-side navigation menu
  3. Select the Vehicle Types tab in the top navigation menu
  4. Click the 🔹blue + Add Vehicle Type button
  5. Enter the name of your vehicle/transportation in the empty box 
  6. Tap the return/enter key on your keyboard to save 

Next, assign your vehicle/transportation to events

  1. Select the Events tab on the left side navigation menu
  2. Select the event you would like to add preparations to from your calendar
  3. From the events details screen scroll down until you see the Transportation Details tab
  4. Select the Transportation Details tab
  5. Optional: Enter a Departure Time, Est. Return Time, Departure Location, Early Dismissal Required
  6. Use the arrows in the No. of Vehicles to select the number of vehicles you will need
  7. After you have completed step 6 above a new set of boxes appears
  8. Use the arrow under the Vehicle Type to select the specific vehicle type needed for the event (the vehicles that populate are the vehicles you entered in Maintenance)
  9. Optional: add a Vehicle ID, Driver Name, Driver Phone
  10. Click the 🔹blue Save button to the right
  11. If you need to add multiple vehicles just click the blue + Add Transport button to add more vehicles
  12. Click the 🔹blue Save All Transportation Details button to save all your transportation details

Edit Transportation Details


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