Step 4: App Preview

Beta Setup

Within your onboarding, you will be provided with a beta build of your app sometime after TAB completion. Follow the steps to get started:


For iOS beta builds:

  1. Download TestFlight from the App Store.
  2. Click on the link received via email from your Onboarding Manager.
  3. After being redirected to TestFlight, follow the steps to download and view the build.

For Android:

  1. Click on the link received via email from your Onboarding Manager.
  2. Enter your email address tied to your mobile device to receive a Firebase Invite.
  3. Follow the steps within the email to download the Firebase App Tester and view the build.

Get to Know the App

It’s been a while since you’ve seen a demo of an FanX mobile app - maybe you haven’t seen one at all! Regardless, this is the first time you’re seeing this app come to life with your own branding. Take this time to tap into each area of the app and get a feel for its functionality. While you’re doing so, take note of how the cards/buttons are arranged on the Home Screen, Bottom Button Bar, and inside the More Menu. All of these display order can be adjusted via the Portal.

Review Your Branding & Color Selection

NOTE: At this stage the app may be missing some graphics. It may feel slightly empty, but nonetheless all of the final touches will be in place before we submit to the stores.

Separate from the card graphics and the splash screen, the colors of the app are the one’s that were chosen in the Turbo App Builder. That said, we want the app colors to be exactly what you expected. Here is a guide of areas to review. If there are any places outside of these where you have questions on colors, make a note of it and we’ll be sure to visit it during our Client Review.


Finalize Your Content

As you click through the app, you might notice some areas that are lacking content. Take this time to jump into the Portal and fill the app with content. 

Need help with Content, Notifications, & Promotions? Review our guided trainings here!